Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Start

Well, here it is...
I've thought for at least 3-4 years about starting a blog. And, so I have. In all honesty, I read so many other amazing people's blogs and am a teensy bit obsessed. From these blogs, I have learned how to blend eyeshadow, decorate cookies, raise quads (yeah, right, but I do love the Steeces :)) & impregnate a cow (again, yeah right, but thanks, Pioneer Woman!). I have also become slightly addicted to youtube beauty gurus. I can't explain why it excites me to watch these girls unpack their goodies in a "haul", put makeup on & talk about what products they like. It just does. I get a mini thrill when I get an email from youtube telling me about a new upload from some of my faves (MakeupbyTiffanyD, KandeeJohnson, MakeupGeek, to name a few). I figured that if for the free goods alone(just kidding! not really...), I should do that! Anyway, I have too many interests to focus solely on beauty talk, though. I'm an avid baker...not fancy, but yummy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE baking for other people. My co-workers all blame me for their "weight-loss" new years resolutions. (Insert evil laugh...muahahahaha!!) So, along with the baking and beauty, I intend to bore you slightly with everyday things as well.
I'll leave you with a look at mine and my friend's new favorite gloss. Gracias Lorac for this ROCKIN Holiday set!

Enjoy. :)